Середа, 5 Лютого

Jurisdictional Immunities of States: Public and Private Law Challenges. The first UAIL’s briefing held in English!

Jurisdictional Immunities of States: Public and Private Law Challenges

27 April 2021, 16h00 Kyiv time (GMT +3)

The first UAIL’s briefing held in English

The Ukrainian Association of International Law invites to join its briefing “Jurisdictional Immunities of States: Public and Private Law Challenges”, the first UAIL’s briefing held entirely in English.

The briefing will take place on Tuesday, 27 April 2021, at 4 PM Kyiv time (GMT +3) via Zoom.

Keynote speakers:

Mykola Gnatovskyy (Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of International Law): “Jurisdictional Immunities between Public and Private International Law”

Robert M. Shaw (a partner in Holland & Knight’s Boston office and a member of the firm’s Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group): “A Decade of Challenges to Ukraine’s Sovereign Immunity Under the American Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act”

Oleksandr Girenko (Ukrainian diplomat) “The Doctrine of Sovereign Immunities in the Ukrainian Legal Discourse: Past and Recent Developments”


Svitlana Starosvit (S.J.D student, Harvard Law School)

To receive a personal invitation and the link to join the briefing, we kindly ask you to complete the registration form at https://forms.gle/xhXnhRuVgeCepjS18.

The briefing will consist of the three keynote speeches followed by a general Q&A section and is expected to last 60 minutes.